Note the large and thick leaves of Shrubby Simpoh |
Shrubby Simpoh (Dillenia suffruticosa) is an ubiquitous plants usually found in wasteland and forest edge, where its presence is impossible to miss. The stout leaves are massive for a plants of its size, oblong in shape with prominent veins. They are arranged spirally, confined more or less at the end of the twigs.
The showy yellow flower of Shrubby Simpoh |
The yellow flowers are equally large, with a tendency to point downwards. It has five petals, and numerous stamens clumped at the center. They are frequently visited by ants and bumblebees. The follicular fruits splits open when ripe, exposing the seeds which are covered with red arils. I have seen birds such as bulbuls and flowerpeckers feeding on those seeds.
A ripe fruit of Shrubby Simpoh |