Types of Birds: The Doves
Peaceful Dove |
Spotted Dove |
Many different kinds of birds are found in Southeast Asia such as the two species of doves shown in the above pictures. Taxonomically, the doves belong to the same family as pigeons - Columbidae, thus their close similarities. In general, the difference between doves and pigeons is that doves are slenderer with rather long graduated tails, and many have white outer tail feathers which are visible when the bird is taking off.
The Spotted Dove and Peaceful Dove (also known as Zebra Dove) are popular pet birds because they have sweet cooing call. In spite of being hunted and trapped, both dove bird are still commonly seen when birding in open habitat like clearings, scrubby growth, parks and gardens. Their population seems to thrive well partly because such habitats are expanding in the region due to development.